martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

Hello everybody!

Today I’m going to talk about of one movie that I loved and other that I hate..

First, there is a movie that I love so much, is a sentimental movie, her name`s Never let me go, I like this movie because in there the photography is amazing  and the characters are so deep.  As a drama movie there is much tears and sad scenes.
I like because it started like a typical british movie  but over the minutes begins the scary argument and sci-fi piece.
I adore Keira Knightley , in this movie acts very very well.

Fine, I will continue with a movie that a really hate, I hate Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the big reason is cause after the movie , all girls believed to be “Clementine” and that was really nasty. I met a girl insupportable she had orange hair and always talked about this movie, insupportable!! xD haha
Well , tell me about your movies.

See you ¡

3 comentarios:

  1. So deep.... like you my friend.

  2. we hate everybody jajajajajaja and that name... nasty JAJAJA

  3. I hate that movie too. It's good, but some people believe it's their life's story.

