martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

Hello everybody!

Today I’m going to talk about of one movie that I loved and other that I hate..

First, there is a movie that I love so much, is a sentimental movie, her name`s Never let me go, I like this movie because in there the photography is amazing  and the characters are so deep.  As a drama movie there is much tears and sad scenes.
I like because it started like a typical british movie  but over the minutes begins the scary argument and sci-fi piece.
I adore Keira Knightley , in this movie acts very very well.

Fine, I will continue with a movie that a really hate, I hate Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the big reason is cause after the movie , all girls believed to be “Clementine” and that was really nasty. I met a girl insupportable she had orange hair and always talked about this movie, insupportable!! xD haha
Well , tell me about your movies.

See you ¡

martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

First semester reflections

I think that my first semester was good, with my OLD friends (I must say, not omit) of the school still drinking on the green grass, laughing, etc. 
Now can I say that love my workshop, it's so nerd but when I see my classmates suffering tell them that change of workshop, leave “the old masters of boredom” behind ja ja. Come to photography :D
In this semester I traveled, that trip was amazing. With other classmates of elective course of goldsmith traveled to Bolivia, for two weeks we sharing with many bolivian artists and knew wonderful places in the altiplano.
Also we visited the little town La Tirana, saw the dances, the people and their faith, etc. We taked many pictures and we are still talking about that trip with our classmates haha

The bad things was... the casino food get more expensive again, I think one of the worst things is that so much people in ours grasses and casino!! 
Finally I think that the posmodern persons in this faculty are lovely, them with cute dogs in this school

I forgot one thing, maybe the most important, in this semester finally we have new bathrooms, without bad smells, with soap, paper, etc. It was a great achievement for the all community. Don’t you believe that?

So poor!!

martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

A day I will always remember: Pisagua

I remeber the last trip, the last trip was to the north of Chile, I knew Iquique and after a little town that called Pisagua. I traveled with others friends of career and when we arrived all of us thought that those town  was so ugly and sad.
It was a depressing postcard, all houses was grey, the people was sad and noiseless. And after that watch the panoramic of the town  we went to the cemetery, the cemetery was full of remains, crosses of Wood, a lot of sand all around, etc.
Many close it was a memorial of the politic prisoners in dictatorship times. Finally, we visited and old theater with six terryfing mannequins.
All of us wanted to ge tour of that place. The sea was perfect, but the energy was so strange.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

things you've always wanted to do

When I was  a child I haved a creepy idea, study about the aliens, always I seen tv series like x files. When I was a child seen the adventures of the Indiana Jones, I liked the history, the myths and the images of creatures, I think always dreamed to be an explorer man or an egyptologist.
When I saw for first time an image of a  mummy I fell in love of the egipcian stories, of the names of their gods, the esthetic and the myths. I always wanted to know why the cats was so important for egipcian people. After I knew they died beside their masters, they transformed in the guardians of the darkness hahaha that sounds creepy.
I still dream of being a explorer, discover an unknown place, discover a new mummy as Tutankamon, etc.
So, for that I see every time sci-fi or adventures movies, I always wanted to go into the space, after to see Interstellar I think that we are nothing hahaha or how some people say, we are only stars dust.

Well, for the moment I dream with the idea of travel to Egypt and see the pyramides, the sphinxs and the sands. And there to study about the myths or the famous egipcian curses.

apparently he drank a lot of piscola 

sábado, 2 de mayo de 2015

Music memories

Well, when I was in the school I listened to Los prisioneros, it was a teenager time, I listened this band because my mom sang their songs when I was a little boy. I think until now every time I listen “Corazones” the best album in the life xD
Also in my school years, I listened grunge, I used lumberjack shirts, etc. I really liked Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Silverchair, and had friends who played in tribute bands.
My first concert I don’t know, but I think that it was Lucybell, a chilean band, that day I went with a classmate which I was in love hahaha, so ridiculous.
My first album I remember that it was “la voz de los 80” by Los prisioneros, it was a pirate disc haha the first original album it was one of Nirvana.
Today I’m a fan of Ases Falsos and with Ayra scream like teen girls hahaha.

Now, tell me about of your musical memories :) 

viernes, 1 de mayo de 2015

An artist

Hi everyone, when I read the post immediately I thought in a Chilean artist, I discovered him by one professor that tell me about the immigrant terms. Precisely I’m researching about immigrant dynamics in Chile, fine, his name is Rodrigo Valenzuela, he was born in Chile and studied in our arts school, his major was photography as I. The photographers who graduate from my major are very stylish hahaha After that, he decided to live in USA and to produce works of art very interesting. He work with the photographic language, with simple shots manages to give certain sensations about human conditions, reality of this country, immigrants, landscapes, etc. I like his esthetic, his visual cleanness, etc. He says that constructs narratives, scenes and stories which tell us about the person and the community.

I chose to write about him because is so important to spread the work of more young artists, I’m a little bored to speak the same ever: Duchamp, Warhol,  etc

Rodrigo will come to Chile to present part of his work in the Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC) and… Mónica, one teacher of photography, told me that he will be also in the art school, I think that will utilize the moment for to talk with him, ask for their work, share interests, tips, etc.
Well, I leave you with one of works by Rodrigo, called "March"

See you ! 

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Popular misceptions about Art or studying art

It's funny, but sometimes its difficult to talk with people that think in the art as something in relation with de genius idea.
It's funny when my family or friends borrow me a camera for take pictures "because I'm artist".
But I hate when the people think the all art students knowing to draw, paint, or sculpt in stone, etc. I draw so bad. I think the art is a beautiful choice, but the people that decide study arts is normal, is common people hahaha.
Sometimes there are many classmates that believe in the genius idea, postmodern childs.
Other popular misception is the relation between gallery and artist, not always is necessary to show work arts in institutional space.
Sometimes also, with my artist friends hate to the artist people, is show off people. Every time that we assist to any opening we laugh a little bit, but is nice to go because the wine and the food fill ours hearts and stomaches.
My parents think that every thing in my room can be work of art, they laugh about this situation, me too. My friends think that all the time I smoke or consume drugs.
I must to say: to all people that think the art is very special, I say yes, it's true, but all we can be xD We eat the same food, my friends and I can to talk about of silly things like actors, famous people, the president or F
arkas and his ridiculous hair.
I think that the students theater are much "specials".
Fine, my dear friends I know that you think the same things haha, greetings ! :)